I, Being Born a Woman . . .
February, the shortest month, the leap year month, a cold-for-the-Midwest month, the oft-mispronounced month, the looooooove month . . . .
And so we have the reason for today’s blog–a poem by Edna St. Vincent Millay!
Now, a common theme for this early voice for feminism was that mean may use her body but never possess her or have any claim on her. She may have even maintained the upper hand in relationships because they desired her body. (This picture was found on www.voxpopulisphere.com and captioned, “Edna St. Vincent Millay laughing and having fun with her friends.”)
I chose a similar sensual freedom in my tone, but dear Edna may have preferred more of the “scorn” than the “love”–as I have chosen. Nonetheless, enjoy this lovely poem as we languidly and sensuously approach Valentine’s Day in a mere seven days . . . .