Celebrate Women!
March is National Women’s History Month so we’re celebrating women! All month long, I’ll be sharing excerpts from Mary Edwards Walker’s Unmasked or The Science of Immorality–cataloged under Sex Manuals, Ethics, Sexual Health, Sexual Ethics. Walker was a proponent of women’s health and morality, considering how women dressed in her day (corsets, numerous layers, hoops, etc.) was “unhygenic” and wore men’s clothes, herself, being arrested on more than one occasion for doing so. She crossed lines when she felt it was important to make a point and to live better for herself, encouraging others to do the same.
I offer the Introduction to Unmasked in posts throughout March and look forward to offering the entire book, serialized, on my forthcoming podcast.
I hope you enjoy a peek into some of the Victorian ways of thinking about sex, morals, ethics, and common decency. Thanks for listening!