Back to Spooky!
I’m caught up on sharing samples of audiobook projects so today I get to share a spooky story–perfect for October–from a little book I found at a used bookstore a couple of years ago. The book is Classics Old & New–A Third Reader. I’ve read from this one before today and it is rich with culturally historical art, opinion, and literature for the elementary learner.
Today’s story is by Horace Elisha Scudder, best known for his editorship at the Atlantic Monthly, at age 42, and his various collections of stories for children. The Image and The Treasure comes from Book of Legends. Sadly, his tenure at the magazine lasted only twelve years, until his death in 1902.
One last note about the illustration–it is perfect for this story but there is no one to whom I can credit the work! I included it since it seems to have been drawn just for this story.